Dental Implants – Allen, TX

The Modern Gold Standard for New Teeth

There’s a reason why dental implants are put in a class of their own compared to other tooth replacements. While dentures and bridges do fill in the gaps in your smile, dental implants do the same thing and also provide sturdy roots for your new teeth, giving them enhanced chewing strength while making sure they don’t move around at awkward moments. It’s the next best thing to getting your original teeth back! Call Oak Point Dental today to learn more about the process of getting dental implants in Allen, TX.

Why Choose Oak Point Dental for Dental Implants?

  • Partnered with Local Dental Implant Experts
  • Patients Treated Like Family
  • Fully Personalized Dental Treatment Plans


What Are Dental Implants?

Animated dental implant in Allen with abutment and crown in the lower jaw

The actual implant post looks more like a screw than a tooth. That’s because it’s not supposed to be seen; instead, it is surgically inserted into your jaw so that it can form a lasting bond with the jawbone. This allows it to perform the same functions as a natural tooth root. Once the mouth has fully healed, a metal piece called an abutment can be attached to the post, and a restoration (such as a crown, bridge, or denture) can be placed shortly afterwards.

The 4-Step Dental Implant Process

Render of a dental implant in Allen, TX

It’s important to understand that when you agree to have dental implants placed, you are beginning a process that can take several months or even a year to complete. Rest assured that a strong, reliable new smile is waiting for you at the end of your treatment plan, and our team will work to make every step a success. To make sure you know what you’re agreeing to, here is what the implant process normally looks like.

Initial Dental Implant Consultation

Model of dental implant in Allen, TX on dentist’s desk

We need to answer a few questions before dental implants can be placed. How many teeth are missing? Is your mouth in good health? Is your jaw going to need a bone graft before it can support implant posts? These are just a few of the things we’ll need to determine at your initial consultation. Depending on our findings, we may need to schedule certain preliminary appointments. In other cases, we might decide that you’re ready to have dental implants placed right away.

Dental Implant Surgery

Close-up of a dental implant in Allen, TX without restoration

This part of the dental implant process will be handled by a local specialist. On the day of the surgery, your mouth will be numbed, and small incisions will be created in your gums. Then implant posts will be inserted into your jaw. The implants are not placed at random; each location is carefully chosen to give your prosthetic teeth the best possible support. Special caps will be placed on the implant posts at the end of the surgery. Said caps will encourage the nearby soft and hard tissues to heal, and they will also shield the posts from plaque and harmful debris.

Dental Implant Osseointegration & Abutment

Illustration of dental implant in Allen, TX bonded with the jawbone

After the surgery, the next step of the implant process takes place inside your mouth. Thanks to osseointegration, your jawbone will slowly fuse with your implant posts. Everyone’s jaw is different, so osseointegration takes longer for some patients than others, although it will typically be between 3 to 6 months.

Once your implants have bonded with the jaw, you’ll be able to receive connector pieces called abutments. You will need to have another surgery performed, but compared to implant placement, it won’t take you as long to recover afterward – usually only a matter of weeks.

Delivery of Dental Implant Restoration(s)

Close-up of a female dental patient smiling

We’ll wait to start the process of designing your dental implant restoration until after the other steps are complete. That way, when we take an impression of your smile, the results will reflect what your mouth will look like when your prosthetic teeth are ready to be placed.

Your restoration may be a crown, a bridge, or a denture, and we will handle the process of attaching it to your implants. Before we complete your new smile, we’ll check the final restoration very carefully to ensure that it fits correctly and that it matches the appearance of your natural teeth.

Benefits of Dental Implants

a woman enjoying healthier food options

When a tooth goes missing, the body starts to resorb nutrients from the unused part of the jawbone, which eventually results in significant bone loss. Since dental implants provide the same stimulation as natural tooth roots, they can prevent bone loss from happening and keep the jaw strong and healthy as a result. Additionally, the implants look and feel extremely lifelike, offer greater chewing power than traditional tooth replacements, and can last decades with minimal maintenance. Read on to learn some of the most common benefits you can appreciate from dental implants.

Day-to-Day Benefits

a man hiking in the forest with friends
  • Natural Appearance: Due to the dental materials used, such as porcelain, others won’t even be able to tell the difference between dental implants and your natural teeth.
  • Enhanced Bite: Unlike traditional restorations, like dental bridges and dentures, dental implants can provide a sturdier foundation so you can enjoy more of your natural biting power. This means you can expect to eat most of your favorite meals without worrying that your new teeth will become damaged or shift out of place.
  • Simple Maintenance: With dental implants, you won’t have to think about using special cleaning products or removing your new pearly whites to clean your smile. You’ll simply use the same techniques for cleaning your natural teeth, as well as schedule biannual checkups with your dentist to preserve your oral health.

Health Benefits

a mature couple bicycling together
  • Comprehensive Treatment: After tooth loss, the jawbone can begin to deteriorate and shrink due to a lack of stimulation from any roots. Since dental implants serve as the new tooth roots, they can effectively help prevent or reverse jawbone deterioration, allowing you to maintain the rest of any remaining natural teeth.
  • Preserve Youthful Look: Tooth loss that’s left unaddressed can result in facial sagging or a shrunken, aged appearance. By restoring your smile with dental implants, you can preserve a more youthful facial structure for longer.
  • Comfortable Solution: Dental implants won’t come with some of the common discomforts associated with traditional restorations, such as gum sores or jaw discomfort. Many patients even report forgetting that they have their new teeth due to how natural they feel.

Long-Term Benefits

  • Long-Lasting Results: While traditional restorations like bridges and dentures only last around 10 years before needing replacements, dental implants can go on for decades to even a lifetime with proper care.
  • Reliable Treatment: Dental implants typically boast an impressive success rate of over 95%, even 10 years after being placed. This means you can be sure to enjoy a brand-new smile that you can trust for a long time.

Who Dental Implants Can Help

Older woman in dental chair seeing her smile in a blue hand mirror

Since the dental implant process lasts several months, you need to confirm that you’re a good candidate for the process before you commit to anything. You can most likely get implants as long as:

  • You don’t have any health conditions that would lead to complications after surgery.
  • You don’t currently have gum disease (which can directly lead to implant failure).
  • Your jaw has enough bone to support dental implants.

People who don’t meet the above criteria might still be eligible for implants after having certain procedures done.

Missing One Tooth

Animated dental crown being placed in empty space between two teeth

One implant post will be placed in the empty space left by the missing tooth, and a crown will be attached afterwards once healing is complete. Implant crowns are designed in a way to help them blend in seamlessly with the remaining teeth. Meanwhile, the implant post will feel so natural in your mouth that you may occasionally forget that it’s there.

Missing Multiple Teeth

Animated dental bridge supported by two dental implants

We don’t have to file down two healthy teeth to place a dental bridge. The restoration can be supported by a pair of dental implants, thus replacing multiple teeth in a row with a minimal number of posts. It’s also possible to use dental implants to support a partial denture that fills in multiple teeth throughout the mouth.

Missing All Teeth

Animated implant denture supported by four dental implants

Four to eight dental implants are usually enough to support a full denture and keep it anchored in place so that you don’t have to worry about it shifting around while you’re trying to eat or speak. Implant dentures have better strength and stability than traditional dentures, and as such they can be used to eat all kinds of foods, including those that might give you trouble with a traditional prosthetic.

Learn More About Implant Dentures

Understanding the Cost of Dental Implants

Dentist showing a patient a model of a dental implant in the jaw

You might be wary of getting dental implants due to the fact that they usually cost more than traditional tooth replacements. However, because dental implants last so much longer than bridges and dentures – and thus do not need to be replaced as often – they can actually save you a lot of money in the long run. Furthermore, our team can help you figure out ways you can manage the cost of dental implants in order to fit them into your budget more easily.


Dental Implant FAQs

Q and A about dental implants

Dental implants in Allen are a great option to replace missing teeth, but they are a big investment. Dr. Ahn will explain everything during your implant consultation and address any concerns to have 100% confidence about the road ahead. While you wait for your appointment, here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Can I Take Dental Implants Out?

Dental implants are intended to serve as a lifelong treatment for missing teeth. Titanium posts are surgically placed into your jawbone to mimic roots. Your bone will fuse to them through a process called osseointegration. Only a trained dental professional will be able to remove them, like in cases of failure. However, some implant dentures can be taken out for easy cleaning.


Does It Hurt to Get Dental Implants?

You will require oral surgery, but you don't have to worry about a painful procedure. Your implant dentist in Allen will keep your comfort as their priority. Sedation or anesthesia will be used, so you won’t feel anything during your placement surgery. After the effects of any medications dissipate, it's normal for your mouth to be sore for a few days. You can manage it with a prescribed or OTC pain reliever. A cold compress can numb the area and reduce swelling and bruising. Your dentist will review any additional aftercare instructions before you go home, like sticking to a liquid diet for 1-2 weeks post-op.


How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

Dental implants can last for 30 years or longer with the right care. Many factors affect the lifespan of dental implants, like your oral hygiene. Brush, floss, and use a daily mouthwash. Visit your dentist every 6 months for a cleaning and checkup. Your diet can also affect their life expectancy. It's best to limit hard and chewy foods. A healthy lifestyle will safeguard your investment, like not smoking or drinking a lot of alcohol. Your dentist will recommend breaking any bad habits, like chewing on your fingernails or using your teeth in place of scissors and other tools. Ask your dentist for a nightguard if you have a habit of grinding or clenching your teeth.


What Are the Signs of Dental Implant Failure?

Dental Implant failure is rare, but it's best to be vigilant for any signs of a problem. Quick detection and treatment are essential for preventing your new smile from failing. Contact our office right away if you have pain, tenderness, or inflammation near the implant. Sometimes, a dental cleaning is all that's needed if you don't wait to schedule an appointment.


What Should I Do If My Implant Feels Loose?

After your bone heals, your dental implant should never feel loose. If it wiggles, it can indicate dental implant failure from infection, bone loss, or another issue. However, the problem can also be as simple as a loose restoration. Don't take the risk. Contact our office immediately if your implant feels unstable.

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